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Digital Storytelling – The New Norm

Digital storytelling, the rising trend

Digital Storytelling – The New Norm


Digital storytelling has been around for a while now, but it’s only recently that it’s taken off in a big way. This is thanks to the advent of devices like the smartphone and the rise of social media. Digital storytelling is all about using digital tools to tell stories more engagingly. This can be done through websites, blogs, e-books, and even mobile apps. In this post, we’ll explore the history of digital storytelling and how it’s played a role in the growth of businesses over the years.

What is Digital Storytelling and Who is a digital storyteller?

Digital storytelling is a new form of storytelling that uses digital technologies to reach and engage audiences. Digital storytelling is not just limited to content creation; it can also include the delivery of content, marketing campaigns, or even customer service interactions.

A digital storyteller is someone who helps people effectively communicate their ideas and experiences through storytelling. They use different mediums to transmit information (digital or not) and help individuals understand complex topics in an easy-to-understand manner.

Digital storytelling the new norm

How does Digital Storytelling Work?

The key to success with digital storytelling is engagement. You need to find a way to connect with your audience on an emotional level and keep them engaged throughout the experience. This means creating engaging stories that are relevant to your audience and feature interactive elements (such as video games or quizzes).

Another important factor for success with digital storytelling is trustworthiness. You cannot build trust until you have built credibility – which requires transparency about how you are working and what ingredients go into your recipes for success. Finally, effective online communication skills are essential for any business looking to create strong relationships through digital technology

Benefits of Digital Storytelling

Today’s businesses need to tell compelling stories to connect with their customers and followers. Digital storytelling is the perfect way to do that because it allows businesses to communicate effectively and efficiently through online content. Here are five key benefits of digital storytelling:

  1. Digital storytelling can help businesses connect with their customers on a deeper level. By sharing company history, culture, and products engagingly, companies can create loyal relationships with their customers.
  2. Digital storytelling allows businesses to share important news or announcements quickly and easily without having to wait for a traditional media outlet to publish it first. This is especially useful in times of crisis or emergency when quick response is key.
  3. Digital storytelling helps businesses build trust and credibility by providing independent verification of facts (through fact-checking). This makes consumers more likely to believe what the business says, which leads to greater customer loyalty and better sales outcomes overall
  4. Digital storytelling can be used as a marketing tool – by promoting stories that are relevant to your target audience, you can convert those readers into ambassadors who will spread the word about your brand/product/service among their friends and family members
  5. Engagement – Storytelling engages your audience on a personal level by giving them a sense of connection or empathy. It can also motivate them to take action, which leads to increased sales and loyalty among your followers.
  6. Transparency – By being open and honest about your business practices, you create trustworthiness among your followers. This builds credibility and makes them more likely to return for future updates or purchases.
  7. Convincing arguments – Stories are full of persuasive arguments that help viewers see things from a different perspective or understand concepts in a new way. This can lead to conversions within your website or social media pages, meaning you get more people buying what you’re selling!
  8. Humanizing interactions – People love feeling like they’re part of something bigger than themselves; this is why storytellers have been able to touch our hearts for centuries

How Brands are using Digital Storytelling to Connect with their Customers

Digital storytelling is one of the latest trends in marketing, and brands are taking advantage of its capabilities to connect with their customers. Digital storytelling involves using digital tools to create narratives that resonate with and engage viewers on a personal level. This type of content can be used not only for traditional marketing purposes (like creating customer loyalty) but also as a means of understanding how customers think and feel about your products or services.

There are several ways that digital storytelling can help brands connect with their customers:

  • By telling compelling stories that highlight the unique features or benefits of your product or service, you will draw attention to what makes yours different from all the others out there. This will encourage potential consumers to learn more about it and may even lead them to make a purchase.
  • Digital storytelling can also be used as an emotional tool – by portraying characters who are relatable (and perhaps even likable), you can evoke feelings of empathy in your audience and touch on key emotions related to your product or service. This way, you not only capture their attention; you keep it locked until the story concludes!
  • Finally, digitally created narratives offer marketers access to important data insights that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to obtain – information like which topics resonate most with audiences, where they’re hanging out online (location & time zone included!), etc. All this valuable intelligence helps Brands design better campaigns tailored specifically toward their target market(s).

Many businesses use digital storytelling to connect with their target audiences in different ways. For example, Snapchat uses digital storytelling to explore how our daily lives are shaped by technology (e.g., “How Snapchat Became an Everyday Part of Many Teenagers’ Lives”). Coca-Cola uses digital storytelling to celebrate life’s moments (e.g., “The Coke Story: A Decline into Darkness”).

Statistics for Digital Storytelling in 2022

Digital storytellers are in high demand these days, as the industry grows rapidly. According to a recent study by The State of Digital Storytelling report, the global market for digital storytelling is expected to grow from $2.5 billion in 2016 to $8.1 billion by 2022. This growth is thanks largely to the increased use of digital platforms and tools for storytelling, especially among business professionals and entrepreneurs.

So, what skills do you need if you want to become a successful digital storyteller? Below are some key statistics that will help guide your decision:

  • 69% of consumers would be more likely to buy from a company with well-crafted content marketing plans
  • 71% of respondents claimed that good storytelling increases trust between brands and customers
  • 74% said that great stories have an emotional impact on viewers that can compel them to take action

So, what’s coming up in digital storytelling in 2023?

According to a study by Storyline Research Institute, the most popular form of digital storytelling will continue to be video content (81%). However, interactive content will also become increasingly popular (18%), as users seek ways to engage with stories on a deeper level. Additionally, audio-only formats will see a modest increase in popularity (4%).

These findings suggest that businesses should invest time and resources into creating quality video content today if they want to remain successful tomorrow. By investing early on in this rapidly growing field, you’ll be able to build relationships with your customers and keep them engaged across all platforms – desktop computer screens, mobile devices*, social media channels**(*if supported), physical locations*** (*where applicable) – forever!

  • In 2020, 68% of B2B companies reported using digital storytelling to create customer experiences.
  • By 2030, 84% of B2Bs will use digital storytelling as part of their customer experience strategy.

The rise of video content and the importance of video storytelling

Video content is on the rise, and businesses of all sizes are beginning to understand its importance.

Why? Because video storytelling is one of the most effective ways to connect with customers and turn them into promoters. Here’s why:

  • Video storytelling engages your audience more than any other form of content. People like hearing stories (even if they’re fictional), and videos help you tell those stories in a way that is both informative and entertaining.
  • It creates a deeper connection between you and your audience. When people feel connected to something – whether it’s a product or company – they are more likely to advocate for it, return to it, share it with their friends, or recommend it to others.
  • Video storytelling can be used across multiple channels including website, social media posts, email newsletters…the list goes on! In fact, according to Forbes magazine, “video has become so important because, unlike text or images which can be easily embedded elsewhere online without taking up valuable real estate on websites or pages, videos have an innate power as standalone pieces of content.”

So how do you start telling great video stories? The first step is understanding your audience. Then create content that targets their needs (and interests) specifically. Finally, make sure that everything about the story – from scriptwriting down to camera angles – contributes towards conveying the message you want to communicate effectively.

Video storytelling content statistics for 2022

Video storytelling is one of the most popular digital trends in 2018 and 2019, with over 85% of people surveyed saying that they have consumed video content online. This popularity has led several businesses, organizations, and individuals to begin to understand the power of video storytelling.

Here are some published statistics for video storytelling in 2022:

  • Video will continue to be the dominant form of content delivery across all devices. 88% of respondents said that they use smartphones or tablets as their main devices when consuming internet media, while only 6% use laptops or desktop computers.
  • Video will remain the primary source for news consumption, accounting for 72% percent of total clicks on news articles online (compared to 41% who click on images/videos).
  • 82%of marketers say that video marketing is effective compared to only 44% who believe it is ineffective.
  • 92%of consumers prefer watching videos rather than reading text alone when looking for information.

These statistics demonstrate just how powerful and prevalent video storytelling has become – businesses old and new should take advantage of this trend by investing in quality videography and storyboarding skillset

How can one Introduce Video Storytelling for their Brand

Video storytelling is an extremely powerful tool that can be used to communicate your brand’s message compellingly and engagingly. It can touch hearts and change minds, which is why it is such a popular format today.

There are several ways you can introduce video storytelling into your business or organization. You could create a pilot project first to test the waters and see how people respond before fully committing to this approach. Alternatively, you could use video storytelling as part of an ongoing marketing campaign. This would allow you to share new content regularly, while also building up customer loyalty over time.

Whatever route you decide to take, make sure that video storytelling is well planned out beforehand so that it runs smoothly from start to finish. And most importantly – don’t forget the emotional heart of storytelling! By connecting with your audience on an emotional level, you will reach them in an entirely new way and help build stronger relationships along the way.

What are the Future Perks for the Brands Adapting Video Storytelling Today

Video storytelling is quickly becoming one of the most popular forms of marketing online. The reason? It works. A study by Tubular found that video content is three times more likely to convert than text-based content.

So, what are the future perks for brands that adopt video storytelling as their primary form of communication? Here are four key reasons why video storytelling will continue to grow in popularity:

  • Videos make sense on mobile devices. People spend an average of two hours per day using smartphones and tablets, so it’s no surprise that videos appeal to them greatly. They’re easy to watch and share, which makes them ideal for promoting products or services on the go.
  • Video stories get people invested. Our brains love stories – we’re hardwired that way! When you tell a story with visual images and sound, your audience becomes emotionally attached to the characters and events portrayed in the story. This leads them to take action – like sharing or liking your content – even if they don’t initially understand it fully.
  • Videos can be highly engaging. Unlike text articles or blog posts, which can feel dry and academic when presented alone on a website or social media page, videos have powerful potential for grabbing viewer attention from the very first frame onward without any prior upsells (or cutesy animal clips). Instead, you rely entirely upon your creative talent and genuine interest in your topic(s) to draw viewers into your world seamlessly.
  • Video storytelling is a great way to connect with your audience. In addition, video content can be easily shared on social media platforms to create even more word-of-mouth buzz and drive traffic back to your website.
  • So why not start using video storytelling as your primary form of communication today? You’ll be glad you did!


From the story we just shared, you can see that digital storytelling is not just a new trend but it has become an important part of marketing. This technology gives brands the power to reach out to their customers in an innovative and captivating way.

In addition, this content-driven medium also helps brands get closer to their customers by letting them tell stories about themselves and how they lead their lives. Save some time for this new storytelling trend in the year 2022. Then, share your experience with us!

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