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Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Your Video Ads Being Banned by Google

Why You Shouldn't Worry About Your Video Ads Being Banned by Google

Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Your Video Ads Being Banned by Google


Don’t worry – your video ads are safe! In a recent update to its AdWords policies, Google clarified that video ads will not be banned for “inflammatory, deceptive, or misleading content.” In other words, if your video ads are factual and accurate, they’re likely to stay up. Of course, you’ll still need to abide by all of the other rules and guidelines that Google has put in place for ad quality. But this news should help ease any fears that you might have had about your video ads being banned.

What are Google Video Ads?

Google Video Ads are a type of online advertisement that uses video to display ads on websites. Google Video Ads allows businesses to place dynamic, live video adverts on the pages of their website or blog. This means that users can watch the ad while scrolling through their browsing history, which is likely to improve click-through rates (CTR).

Google Banning Video Ads

How do I get started with Google Video Ads?

The first step is to sign up for a Google AdWords account. From there, you will need to create an interest group and add your website or blog as a participant. You will also need to create some targeting criteria (such as location and age) and configure your budgeting parameters. After you have set up all of these settings, it’s time to start creating your videos!

To create a video advertisement, start by uploading footage from your existing camera or recording device to YouTube. Next, select the caption options available on YouTube and enter text for the title screen and other necessary fields. Finally, upload the finished product onto your AdWords account and wait for the results!

How do video ads work?

Video ads are one of the most popular forms of digital advertising. They’re simple to create and deploy, and they can be very effective in driving traffic to a website or landing page.

There are three main types of video ads: spot, pre-roll, and post-roll.

Spot videos

Spot videos appear as part of the regular content on a web page or app, while pre-rolls and post-rolls play before or after the content you’re watching (respectively). Spot videos are a great way to keep your ads relevant and engaging. They can be used in both display and video campaigns, and they offer a variety of benefits that make them incredibly effective tools for marketing.

Here are some of the key reasons why Spot videos are such a powerful tool:

  • They are captivating: Spot videos are designed to capture your viewer’s attention right away. This is because they often contain scenes or clips that evoke an emotional response, which helps you connect with them on a personal level.
  • They stay fresh: Unlike standard search ad text, which may become stale after repeated use, spot videos will continue to entertain and engage viewers long after you initially publish them. This means that your campaign will be more likely to result in conversions (and higher ROI) over time.
  • They are interactive: Spot ads allow users to respond directly within the video frame by typing comments or voting on content items (similar to how Reddit works). As a result, spot videos create an active community around your brand – one that’s always looking for new information about what you have to offer.

Pre-roll ads

Pre-roll ads are a great way to introduce your product or service before the main video starts. They can be used in both AdWords and AdSense, and they work best when you have valuable content that viewers want to see before they watch the main video.

There are two types of pre-roll ads: interstitials and preloaders. An interstitial is a full-screen ad that appears just before the start of the video, while a preloader loads an advertising banner just as the main video begins playing. Preloaders allow users to skip past the ad if they decide they don’t want to see it right away.

Both types of pre-roll ads have several benefits:

  1. Interstitials lead viewers directly into your content, increasing engagement rates because people feel like they’re getting value for their time.
  2. Preloaders reduce unwanted bounce rates by giving viewers a chance to preview your offering without having to watch the whole thing.
  3. Both types of ads can be targeted based on user behavior (in other words, what people have looked at recently), which gives you more control over where your AD spend goes.
  4. You can also set up dynamic placements so that different parts of your website will show different kinds of pre-roll ads depending on the time of the day or weekend (for instance, during breakfast hours).

Post Roll ads

Post Roll ads are a great way to target your audience on the go. They’re particularly useful for businesses that want to promote their content or products while people are scrolling through their social media feeds or browsing websites.

How do post-roll ads work?

When you create a post-roll ad, AdWords will automatically show it after someone has viewed one of your other ads (but before they’ve seen your final ad). This allows you to immediately capture the user’s attention and arouse interest in what you have to offer.

Creating effective post-roll ads is important because they must be compelling enough to keep users engaged long enough for them to click through and learn more about what you have available. Remember: The goal is not just to get them clicking through; the goal is also for them to stick around and learn something new!

All three types of video ads have their strengths and weaknesses depending on what type of audience you’re targeting. Spot videos tend to be more expensive than other formats due mostly to increased engagement rates from viewers who stay tuned until the end. Pre-rolls tend towards attracting users who may have started viewing your video but then changed their mind about continuing, while post-rolls seem best suited for reaching customers who’ve already seen your content multiple times and are more likely to purchase as a result.

The anatomy of a Google Video Ad

A Google Video ad is a creative way to reach your target audience and promote your brand or product. They are made up of three main parts: the video, the template, and the targeting criteria.


The video itself must be high quality and engaging enough to hold someone’s attention for at least two minutes. It should also be relevant to your target market – promoting products that people might want or need. Make sure you have permission from all of the people in your video footage before starting production!


Your Google Video ad will look different depending on which country you’re targeting it in (the United States, Canada, UK, etc.). However, most ads use a white background with a blue header and bottom bar. The colors help distinguish different types of content (advertisements vs user-generated videos), as well as guide users through how to watch or click on an advertisement.

Targeting Criteria

Once you’ve created a great video frame-by-frame according to your specific targeting criteria (age group, gender/ethnicity*, language preference*, interests*), it’s time to start placing ads! You can place them directly onto YouTube using Google AdWords Express – just make sure they comply with both local regulations AND YouTube policies* (* = optional).

The approval process for your video ads

When you’re creating and uploading your video ads in AdWords, there are a few things to keep in mind. The first is that ad approval is an important part of the process. Your ads must be approved before they can start showing on Google Search results pages (SERPs), Display Network Ads (DNAS), or YouTube videos.

This step ensures that your video content is appropriately classified and meets all the requirements set by Google. Without ad approval, your ads could end up displaying inappropriate content or violating copyright laws.

Here are some other tips for getting your video ads ready for launch:

  • Make sure your videos meet the quality standards established by Google. You can use our Quality Guidelines tool to check if your footage complies with our guidelines or enlist help from a professional editor who will make sure everything looks good before you upload it to YouTube or DNAS.
  • Choose high-quality images and fonts for headings, titles, and text throughout each of your clips. This will help viewers find what they’re looking for more quickly and easily. (Note: Fonts used in captions should also match those used elsewhere on the page.)
  • Use keyword-rich Titles & Descriptions so that relevant search terms appear when people type them into the Chrome address bar while viewing one of your videos on websites like YouTube etc.

Once you’ve completed these steps, it’s time to prepare yourself for submission! Here’s how: Sign up for a Google AdWords account.  If you don’t have one, you can create one here. Log in to your AdWords account. Click on Video Ads from the left-hand menu. Select a video and click Edit Title & Description. Add keywords where applicable and make sure that all text is properly keyword-rich. Click Save Changes to finalize your changes. You’re now ready to submit!

There are other things you can do too (optional) such as Track AdWords spending

Upload your video to other video-sharing platforms (like Facebook, and Twitter) and track your performance to get an idea of where you should focus your marketing efforts.

How to improve the quality of your video ads

Video ads are one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience. But if you’re not using video ads effectively, you may be losing out on potential sales. In this article, we’ll discuss some tips for improving the quality of your video ads so they can truly stand out and attract attention from potential customers.

First and foremost, make sure your videos are well-made. This means taking care in filming and editing the footage, as well as choosing high-quality angles and shots that will emphasize key points. Additionally, use catchy titles and graphics that will appeal to viewers – something that’s easy to remember and flagrantly promotes what your product or service is all about! Finally, think about how you could engage with viewers after they’ve watched your ad. Maybe you have a contest or bonus offer available only after watching several rounds of videos? These kinds of creative ideas can help drive more traffic back to your site or landing page (where the actual purchase happens).

By following these simple guidelines for creating better video ads, you’ll increase visibility across Google AdWords platforms (desktop search results pages [SERP], YouTube channels [YT]/videos), resulting in higher click-through rates (CTRs) – meaning more leads converted into customers!

Tips for making better use of your video ads

AdWords is a popular way to promote your business online. But, like any other marketing campaign, it can be improved by making better use of video ads. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your video ads:

Choose an interesting and engaging ad topic

Your ad will appear more often when people search for things related to the topic. If you have a product or service that relates to the topic, make sure you include relevant information in your ad copy.

Prepare well before the launch time

Make sure all of the necessary files are ready (including videos and images) before launching your campaign, so everything goes as planned.

Test different placements and sizes

to see which format gives you the best results. You may also want to experiment with Prime placement if you’re targeting users in America who spend over $200 per month on Google Ads products.

Make use of long clips

instead of short YouTube thumbnails. This will give viewers a chance to watch all of your content without having to scroll down too much or click through individual videos one by one.

And remember – always keep your visuals clean and professional! Poor quality footage can damage viewer trust, leading them away from spending time on your page

What to do if you encounter any problems with your video ads

Video ads are a great way to reach more people with your brand message. However, if you experience any problems with your video ads, don’t hesitate to contact AdWords support. They will be able to help you solve the issue as quickly as possible.

Here are some common issues and how to address them:

Low-Quality Content:

Make sure that your videos are of high quality, and that the footage is shot in a clear and distraction-free environment. Use professional equipment if necessary, and make sure that the audio is good too!

Missing or Incorrect Data:

If you’re using Google Analytics for video ad targeting, make sure all of the data for your videos is correct – including demographics (age range, gender), interests/behaviors (shopping habits, etc.), location data (latitude & longitude), and clickstream data from AdWords clicks/touches on your Ads.

Too Many overlapping Placements:

If there are too many conflicting placements for one advertiser’s video ads across different search results pages (‘ SERPs ‘), AdWords may prevent those ads from running altogether due to potential conflicts. This usually happens when an advertiser has multiple campaigns set up in parallel against different keywords or advertisers within a single campaign setting have placed their competing content above or below an advertiser’s ad copy within the same SERP position on other pages). In order not to run into this problem, it’s usually best practice for each advertiser placing video ads to have their individual AdWords account (rather than using a shared AdWords account for multiple advertisers) and creates separate video campaigns for each keyword or market.


As you can see, it’s not as scary as one might have thought. And there is no need to worry about Google banning your video adverts if you follow the steps above. That said, we’d also like to highlight that these ads are only available after a 4–6-week approval period on mobile, desktop, and YouTube, however, this can vary depending on the AdWords account and how specific the keyword is.

For how long do you plan on running your video ads? Have you been able? Leave a comment below!

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